
Vortex2D is multi-platform and currently supports the following:

  • Windows
  • Linux
  • macOS
  • iOS

CMake is used to generate the appropriate build scripts for each platform. The dependencies, which are fetched when calling cmake are:

  • glm
  • SPIRV-cross

for the tests:

  • gtest

for the examples:

  • glfw

The only dependency required is python. There a several variables that can be used to configure:

  • VORTEX2D_ENABLE_TESTS builds the tests
  • VORTEX2D_ENABLE_EXAMPLES builds the examples
  • VORTEX2D_ENABLE_DOCS builds the documentation

The main library is built as a dll on windows, shared library on linux and (dynamic) framework on macOS/iOS.


Following are necessary:
  • Python
  • glslangValidator (comes with Vulkan SDK)


To build on windows, cmake-gui is the easiest to use. Only the variables specified above should be changed.


Again, regular cmake commands should be use to configure cmake:

cmake ..


In addition to the normal variables, we need to specify the location of MoltenVK:

cmake .. -DMOLTENVK_DIR=../../MoltenVK/Package/Latest/MoltenVK/ -DVORTEX2D_ENABLE_EXAMPLES=On


The framework needs to signed on iOS, so the following variables need to be defined:

  • CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY should be set to “iPhone Developer”
  • DDEVELOPMENT_TEAM_ID should be set to the team id, can be found on the apple developer portal
cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/ios.toolchain.cmake -DIOS_PLATFORM=OS -DIOS_ARCH=arm64 -DENABLE_VISIBILITY=true -DMOLTENVK_DIR=../../MoltenVK/Package/Latest/MoltenVK/ -DCODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="iPhone Developer" -DDEVELOPMENT_TEAM_ID=XXXXXX


To build the documentation the following is required:

  • doxygen
  • sphinx
  • breath sphinx theme