Renderer API reference

API Reference

namespace Renderer


using DescriptorTypeBindings = std::map<uint32_t, vk::DescriptorType>
typedef std::vector<glm::vec2> Path


template<template<typename> class BufferType, typename T>
void CopyTo(BufferType<T> &buffer, T &t)

Copy the content of a buffer in an object.

template<template<typename> class BufferType, typename T>
void CopyTo(BufferType<T> &buffer, std::vector<T> &t)

Copy the content of a buffer to a vector. Vector needs to have the correct size already.

template<template<typename> class BufferType, typename T>
void CopyFrom(BufferType<T> &buffer, const T &t)

Copy the content of an object to the buffer.

template<template<typename> class BufferType, typename T>
void CopyFrom(BufferType<T> &buffer, const std::vector<T> &t)

Copy the content of a vector to the buffer.

void BufferBarrier(vk::Buffer buffer, vk::CommandBuffer commandBuffer, vk::AccessFlags oldAccess, vk::AccessFlags newAccess)

Inserts a barrier for the given buffer, command buffer and access.

  • buffer: the vulkan buffer handle
  • commandBuffer: the command buffer to inserts the barrier
  • oldAccess: old access
  • newAccess: new access

bool operator==(const ShaderLayout &left, const ShaderLayout &right)
bool operator==(const PipelineLayout &left, const PipelineLayout &right)
void Bind(const Device &device, DescriptorSet &dstSet, const PipelineLayout &layout, const std::vector<BindingInput> &bindingInputs)

Bind the resources (buffer or texture/sampler) to a DescriptorSet.

  • device: vulkan device
  • dstSet: vulkan descriptor set
  • layout: pipeline layout
  • bindingInputs: list of resources (buffer or texture/sampler)

bool HasLayer(const char *extension, const std::vector<vk::LayerProperties> &availableExtensions)
bool HasExtension(const char *extension, const std::vector<vk::ExtensionProperties> &availableExtensions)
bool operator==(const GraphicsPipeline &left, const GraphicsPipeline &right)
bool operator==(const SpecConstInfo &left, const SpecConstInfo &right)
template<typename Type>
SpecConstInfo::Value<Type> SpecConstValue(uint32_t id, Type &&value)

Constructs a specialization constant value.

template<typename ...Args>
SpecConstInfo SpecConst(Args&&... args)

Constructs a SpecConstInfo with given values of specialisation constants.

bool operator==(const RenderState &left, const RenderState right)
vk::DeviceSize GetBytesPerPixel(vk::Format format)

Gets the number of bytes per pixel given the format.

bytes per pixel
  • format: of texture

void TextureBarrier(vk::Image image, vk::CommandBuffer commandBuffer, vk::ImageLayout oldLayout, vk::AccessFlags srcMask, vk::ImageLayout newLayout, vk::AccessFlags dstMask)

Inserts a barrier for the given texture, command buffer and access.

  • image: the vulkan image handle
  • commandBuffer: the vulkan command buffer
  • oldLayout: old layout
  • srcMask: old access
  • newLayout: new layout
  • dstMask: new access

ComputeSize MakeStencilComputeSize(const glm::ivec2 &size, int radius)

Create a ComputeSize for a stencil type shader.

calculate ComputeSize
  • size: the domain size
  • radius: the stencil size

ComputeSize MakeCheckerboardComputeSize(const glm::ivec2 &size)

Create a ComputeSize for a checkerboard type shader.

calculate ComputeSize
  • size: the domain size

class AbstractShape : public Vortex2D::Renderer::Shape
#include <Shapes.h>

An polygonal shape where the fragment shader can be specified for customisation.

Subclassed by Vortex2D::Renderer::IntRectangle, Vortex2D::Renderer::Rectangle

Public Functions

void Initialize(const RenderState &renderState)

Initialize the drawable for a particular state. This might include creating the correct pipeline. If it was already initialized, it will do nothing.

  • renderState: the state to initialize with.

void Update(const glm::mat4 &projection, const glm::mat4 &view)

Update the MVP matrix of the drawable.

  • projection: the projection matrix
  • view: the view matrix

void Draw(vk::CommandBuffer commandBuffer, const RenderState &renderState)

Draw for the given render state. This has to be initialized before.

  • commandBuffer: the command buffer to record into.
  • renderState: the render state to use.

class AbstractSprite : public Vortex2D::Renderer::Drawable, public Vortex2D::Renderer::Transformable
#include <Sprite.h>

a Sprite, i.e. a drawable that can render a texture. The fragment shader can be specified for customisation.

Subclassed by Vortex2D::Fluid::DistanceField, Vortex2D::Renderer::Sprite

Public Functions

void Initialize(const RenderState &renderState)

Initialize the drawable for a particular state. This might include creating the correct pipeline. If it was already initialized, it will do nothing.

  • renderState: the state to initialize with.

void Update(const glm::mat4 &projection, const glm::mat4 &view)

Update the MVP matrix of the drawable.

  • projection: the projection matrix
  • view: the view matrix

void Draw(vk::CommandBuffer commandBuffer, const RenderState &renderState)

Draw for the given render state. This has to be initialized before.

  • commandBuffer: the command buffer to record into.
  • renderState: the render state to use.

struct BindingInput
#include <DescriptorSet.h>

The texture/sampler or buffer that can be binded to a shader.

template<typename T>
class Buffer : public Vortex2D::Renderer::GenericBuffer
#include <Buffer.h>

a storage buffer type of buffer

class Clear : public Vortex2D::Renderer::Drawable
#include <Shapes.h>

A drawable that simply clears the target.

Public Functions

void Initialize(const RenderState &renderState)

Initialize the drawable for a particular state. This might include creating the correct pipeline. If it was already initialized, it will do nothing.

  • renderState: the state to initialize with.

void Update(const glm::mat4 &projection, const glm::mat4 &view)

Update the MVP matrix of the drawable.

  • projection: the projection matrix
  • view: the view matrix

void Draw(vk::CommandBuffer commandBuffer, const RenderState &renderState)

Draw for the given render state. This has to be initialized before.

  • commandBuffer: the command buffer to record into.
  • renderState: the render state to use.

struct ColorBlendState
#include <RenderState.h>

The blend state and blend constant.

class CommandBuffer
#include <CommandBuffer.h>

Can record commands, then submit them (multiple times). A fence can used to wait on the completion of the commands.

Public Functions

CommandBuffer(const Device &device, bool synchronise = true)

Creates a command buffer which can be synchronized.

  • device: vulkan device
  • synchronise: flag to determine if the command buffer can be waited on.

CommandBuffer &Record(CommandFn commandFn)

Record some commands. The commads are recorded in the lambda which is immediately executed.

  • commandFn: a functor, or simply a lambda, where commands are recorded.

CommandBuffer &Record(const RenderTarget &renderTarget, vk::Framebuffer framebuffer, CommandFn commandFn)

Record some commands inside a render pass. The commads are recorded in the lambda which is immediately executed.

  • renderTarget: the render target which contains the render pass to record into
  • framebuffer: the frame buffer where the render pass will render.
  • commandFn: a functor, or simply a lambda, where commands are recorded.

CommandBuffer &Wait()

Wait for the command submit to finish. Does nothing if the synchronise flag was false.

CommandBuffer &Reset()

Reset the command buffer so it can be recorded again.

CommandBuffer &Submit(const std::initializer_list<vk::Semaphore> &waitSemaphores = {}, const std::initializer_list<vk::Semaphore> &signalSemaphores = {})

submit the command buffer

operator bool() const

explicit conversion operator to bool, indicates if the command was properly recorded and can be sumitted.

struct ComputeSize
#include <Work.h>

Used for a compute shader, and defines the group size, local size and domain size.

Public Functions

ComputeSize(const glm::ivec2 &size, const glm::ivec2 &localSize = GetLocalSize2D())

Creates a ComputeSize using a 2D domain size and the default 2D local size.

  • size: the domain size
  • localSize: the local size of the shader

ComputeSize(int size, int localSize = GetLocalSize1D())

Creates a ComputeSize using a 1D domain size and the default 1D local size.

  • size: the domain size
  • localSize: the local size of the shader

Public Static Functions

static glm::ivec2 GetLocalSize2D()

The default local size for 2D compute shaders.

a 2d vector

static int GetLocalSize1D()

The default local size for 1D compute shaders.

a integer value

static glm::ivec2 GetWorkSize(const glm::ivec2 &size, const glm::ivec2 &localSize = GetLocalSize2D())

Computes the 2D group size given a domain size.

the group size
  • size: the domain size of the shader
  • localSize: the local size of the shader

static glm::ivec2 GetWorkSize(int size, int localSize = GetLocalSize1D())

Computes the 1D group size given a domain size.

the group size
  • size: the domain size of the shader
  • localSize: the local size of the shader

static ComputeSize Default2D()

A default ComputeSize using the default 2D local size. The domain size is (1,1)

a default compute size

static ComputeSize Default1D()

A default ComputeSize using the default 1D local size. The domain size is (1,1)

a default compute size

struct DescriptorImage
#include <DescriptorSet.h>

The texture or sampler that can be binded to a shader.

struct DescriptorSet
#include <DescriptorSet.h>

The binding of an object for a shader.

class Device
#include <Device.h>

Encapsulation around the vulkan device. Allows to create command buffers, layout, bindings, memory and shaders.

struct DispatchParams
#include <Work.h>

Parameters for indirect compute: group size, local size, etc.

struct Drawable
#include <Drawable.h>

Interface of a drawable object.

Subclassed by Vortex2D::Fluid::Circle, Vortex2D::Fluid::Polygon, Vortex2D::Renderer::AbstractSprite, Vortex2D::Renderer::Clear, Vortex2D::Renderer::Shape

Public Functions

virtual void Initialize(const RenderState &renderState) = 0

Initialize the drawable for a particular state. This might include creating the correct pipeline. If it was already initialized, it will do nothing.

  • renderState: the state to initialize with.

virtual void Update(const glm::mat4 &projection, const glm::mat4 &view) = 0

Update the MVP matrix of the drawable.

  • projection: the projection matrix
  • view: the view matrix

virtual void Draw(vk::CommandBuffer commandBuffer, const RenderState &renderState) = 0

Draw for the given render state. This has to be initialized before.

  • commandBuffer: the command buffer to record into.
  • renderState: the render state to use.

struct DynamicDispatcher
#include <Device.h>

A vulkan dynamic dispatcher that checks if the function is not null.

class Ellipse : public Vortex2D::Renderer::Shape
#include <Shapes.h>

A solid colour ellipse. Implements the Drawable interface and Transformable interface.

Public Functions

void Initialize(const RenderState &renderState)

Initialize the drawable for a particular state. This might include creating the correct pipeline. If it was already initialized, it will do nothing.

  • renderState: the state to initialize with.

void Update(const glm::mat4 &projection, const glm::mat4 &view)

Update the MVP matrix of the drawable.

  • projection: the projection matrix
  • view: the view matrix

void Draw(vk::CommandBuffer commandBuffer, const RenderState &renderState)

Draw for the given render state. This has to be initialized before.

  • commandBuffer: the command buffer to record into.
  • renderState: the render state to use.

class GenericBuffer
#include <Buffer.h>

A vulkan buffer which can be on the host or the device.

Subclassed by Vortex2D::Renderer::Buffer< float >, Vortex2D::Renderer::Buffer< glm::ivec2 >, Vortex2D::Renderer::Buffer< glm::vec2 >, Vortex2D::Renderer::Buffer< int >, Vortex2D::Renderer::Buffer< Vortex2D::Fluid::Particle >, Vortex2D::Renderer::Buffer< Vortex2D::Fluid::RigidBody::Velocity >, Vortex2D::Renderer::Buffer< Vortex2D::Renderer::DispatchParams >, Vortex2D::Renderer::IndirectBuffer< Vortex2D::Renderer::DispatchParams >, Vortex2D::Renderer::UniformBuffer< glm::mat4 >, Vortex2D::Renderer::UniformBuffer< glm::vec2 >, Vortex2D::Renderer::UniformBuffer< glm::vec4 >, Vortex2D::Renderer::UniformBuffer< Size >, Vortex2D::Renderer::UniformBuffer< Vortex2D::Fluid::RigidBody::Velocity >, Vortex2D::Renderer::VertexBuffer< glm::vec2 >, Vortex2D::Renderer::VertexBuffer< Vortex2D::Renderer::AbstractSprite::Vertex >, Vortex2D::Renderer::Buffer< T >, Vortex2D::Renderer::IndexBuffer< T >, Vortex2D::Renderer::IndirectBuffer< T >, Vortex2D::Renderer::UniformBuffer< T >, Vortex2D::Renderer::VertexBuffer< T >

Public Functions

void CopyFrom(vk::CommandBuffer commandBuffer, GenericBuffer &srcBuffer)

Copy a buffer to this buffer.

  • commandBuffer: command buffer to run the copy on.
  • srcBuffer: the source buffer.

void CopyFrom(vk::CommandBuffer commandBuffer, Texture &srcTexture)

Copy a texture to this buffer.

  • commandBuffer: command buffer to run the copy on.
  • srcTexture: the source texture

vk::Buffer Handle() const

The vulkan handle.

vk::DeviceSize Size() const

The size in bytes of the buffer.

void Resize(vk::DeviceSize size)

Resize the buffer. Invalidates the buffer handle.

  • size: buffer size

void Barrier(vk::CommandBuffer commandBuffer, vk::AccessFlags oldAccess, vk::AccessFlags newAccess)

Inserts a barrier for this buffer.

  • commandBuffer: the command buffer to run the barrier
  • oldAccess: old access
  • newAccess: new access

void Clear(vk::CommandBuffer commandBuffer)

Clear the buffer with 0.

  • commandBuffer: the command buffer to clear on

void CopyFrom(uint32_t offset, const void *data, uint32_t size)

copy from data to buffer

  • offset: in the buffer
  • data: pointer
  • size: of data

void CopyTo(uint32_t offset, void *data, uint32_t size)

copy buffer to data

  • offset: in the buffer
  • data: pointer
  • size: of data

class GraphicsPipeline
#include <Pipeline.h>

graphics pipeline which caches the pipeline per render states.

Public Functions

GraphicsPipeline &Shader(vk::ShaderModule shader, vk::ShaderStageFlagBits shaderStage)

Set the shader.

  • shader: the loaded shader
  • shaderStage: shader state (vertex, fragment or compute)

GraphicsPipeline &VertexAttribute(uint32_t location, uint32_t binding, vk::Format format, uint32_t offset)

Sets the vertex attributes.

  • location: location in the shader
  • binding: binding in the shader
  • format: vertex format
  • offset: offset in the vertex

GraphicsPipeline &VertexBinding(uint32_t binding, uint32_t stride, vk::VertexInputRate inputRate = vk::VertexInputRate::eVertex)

Sets the vertex binding.

  • binding: binding in the shader
  • stride: stride in bytes
  • inputRate: inpute rate

template<typename T>
class IndexBuffer : public Vortex2D::Renderer::GenericBuffer
#include <Buffer.h>

a index buffer type of buffer

template<typename T>
class IndirectBuffer : public Vortex2D::Renderer::GenericBuffer
#include <Buffer.h>

an indirect buffer type of buffer, used for compute indirect dispatch

class Instance
#include <Instance.h>

Vulkan instance, which extensions enabled.

class IntRectangle : public Vortex2D::Renderer::AbstractShape
#include <Shapes.h>

A solid colour rectangle as Rectangle, however uses integer colors and is meant to be drawn to a framebuffer wiht integer colours.

class LayoutManager
#include <DescriptorSet.h>

Caches and creates layouts and bindings.

Public Functions

void CreateDescriptorPool(int size = 512)

Create or re-create the descriptor pool, will render invalid existing descriptor sets.

  • size: size of the pool

DescriptorSet MakeDescriptorSet(const PipelineLayout &layout)

Create the descriptor set given the layout.

built descriptor set
  • layout: pipeline/shader layout

vk::DescriptorSetLayout GetDescriptorSetLayout(const PipelineLayout &layout)

Create, cache and return a descriptor layout given the pipeline layout.

cached descriptor set layout
  • layout: pipeline layout

vk::PipelineLayout GetPipelineLayout(const PipelineLayout &layout)

create, cache and return a vulkan pipeline layout given the layout

vulkan pipeline layout
  • layout: pipeline layout

class PipelineCache
#include <Pipeline.h>

Create pipelines using vulkan’s pipeline cache.

Public Functions

void CreateCache()

Create the pipeline cache.

vk::Pipeline CreateGraphicsPipeline(const GraphicsPipeline &builder, const RenderState &renderState)

Create a graphics pipeline.

  • builder:
  • renderState:

vk::Pipeline CreateComputePipeline(vk::ShaderModule shader, vk::PipelineLayout layout, SpecConstInfo specConstInfo = {})

Create a compute pipeline.

  • shader:
  • layout:
  • specConstInfo:

struct PipelineLayout
#include <DescriptorSet.h>

Represents the layout of a pipeline: vertex + fragment or compute.

class Rectangle : public Vortex2D::Renderer::AbstractShape
#include <Shapes.h>

A solid colour rectangle defined by two triangles. Implements the Drawable interface and Transformable interface.

class RenderCommand
#include <CommandBuffer.h>

A special command buffer that has been recorded by a RenderTarget. It can be used to submit the rendering. The object has to stay alive untill rendering is complete.

Public Functions

RenderCommand &Submit(const glm::mat4 &view = glm::mat4(1.0f))

Submit the render command with a transform matrix.

  • view: a transform matrix

void Wait()

Wait for the render command to complete.

operator bool() const

explicit conversion operator to bool, indicates if the command was properly recorded and can be sumitted.

class RenderpassBuilder
#include <RenderTarget.h>

Factory for a vulkan render pass.

Public Functions

RenderpassBuilder &Attachement(vk::Format format)

Format of the render pass.

  • format:

RenderpassBuilder &AttachementLoadOp(vk::AttachmentLoadOp value)

operation to perform when loading the framebuffer (clear, load, etc)

  • value:

RenderpassBuilder &AttachementStoreOp(vk::AttachmentStoreOp value)

operation to perform when storing the framebuffer (clear, save, etc)

  • value:

RenderpassBuilder &AttachementInitialLayout(vk::ImageLayout layout)

Layout of the image to be before render pass.

  • layout:

RenderpassBuilder &AttachementFinalLayout(vk::ImageLayout layout)

Layout of the image to be after render pass.

  • layout:

RenderpassBuilder &Subpass(vk::PipelineBindPoint bindPoint)

Define subpass of the render pass.

  • bindPoint:

RenderpassBuilder &SubpassColorAttachment(vk::ImageLayout layout, uint32_t attachment)

Set the color attachment with index.

  • layout:
  • attachment: index of the attachment

RenderpassBuilder &Dependency(uint32_t srcSubpass, uint32_t dstSubpass)

Dependency of the subpasses.

  • srcSubpass:
  • dstSubpass:

vk::UniqueRenderPass Create(vk::Device device)

Create the render pass.

  • device:

struct RenderState
#include <RenderState.h>

the various state to render to a target: size, render pass and blend.

Public Functions

RenderState(const RenderTarget &renderTarget)

Initialize for a render target with default blend.

  • renderTarget:

RenderState(const RenderTarget &renderTarget, ColorBlendState blendState)

Initialize for a render target with a given blend.

  • renderTarget:
  • blendState:

struct RenderTarget
#include <RenderTarget.h>

A target that can be rendered to. This is implemented by the RenderWindow and the RenderTexture.

Subclassed by Vortex2D::Renderer::RenderTexture, Vortex2D::Renderer::RenderWindow

class RenderTexture : public Vortex2D::Renderer::RenderTarget, public Vortex2D::Renderer::Texture
#include <RenderTexture.h>

A render target that renders into a texture.

Subclassed by Vortex2D::Fluid::Density, Vortex2D::Fluid::LevelSet, Vortex2D::Fluid::ParticleCount, Vortex2D::Fluid::Velocity

class RenderWindow : public Vortex2D::Renderer::RenderTarget
#include <RenderWindow.h>

Render to a swapchain, i.e. to the window/surface.

Public Functions

RenderWindow(const Device &device, vk::SurfaceKHR surface, uint32_t width, uint32_t height)

Initialize with a given surface and size.

  • device: vulkan device
  • surface: vulkan surface
  • width:
  • height:

void Display()

Submits all the render command and present the surface for display.

class SamplerBuilder
#include <Texture.h>

Factory for a vullkan sampler.

Public Functions

SamplerBuilder &AddressMode(vk::SamplerAddressMode mode)

Mode of the sampler: repeat, clamp, etc.

  • mode: vulkan mode

SamplerBuilder &Filter(vk::Filter filter)

Filter of the sampler: linear, nearest, etc.

  • filter: vulkan filter

vk::UniqueSampler Create(vk::Device device)

Create the vulkan sampler.

unique sampler
  • device: vulkan device

struct ShaderLayout
#include <DescriptorSet.h>

Represents the layout of a shader (vertex, fragment or compute)

class Shape : public Vortex2D::Renderer::Drawable, public Vortex2D::Renderer::Transformable
#include <Shapes.h>

Shape interface which is drawable, transformable and has a color.

Subclassed by Vortex2D::Renderer::AbstractShape, Vortex2D::Renderer::Ellipse

struct SpecConstInfo
#include <Pipeline.h>

Defines and holds value of the specification constants for shaders.

class SpirvBinary
#include <Device.h>

A binary SPIRV shader, to be feed to vulkan.

class Sprite : public Vortex2D::Renderer::AbstractSprite
#include <Sprite.h>

A sprite that renders a texture with a simple pass-through fragment shader.

Subclassed by Vortex2D::Fluid::Density

class Texture
#include <Texture.h>

A texture, or in vulkan terms, an image.

Subclassed by Vortex2D::Renderer::RenderTexture

Public Functions

void CopyFrom(const void *data)

Copies width*heigh*bytesPerPixel amount of data.

  • data: source data

void CopyTo(void *data)

Copies width*heigh*bytesPerPixel amount of data.

  • data: destination data

void CopyFrom(vk::CommandBuffer commandBuffer, Texture &srcImage)

Copies source texture in this texture.

  • commandBuffer: vulkan command buffer
  • srcImage: source image

class Timer
#include <Timer.h>

Calculates the ellapsed time on the GPU.

Public Functions

void Start(vk::CommandBuffer commandBuffer)

Start the timer after the current last command buffer.

  • commandBuffer: command buffer to write timestamp

void Stop(vk::CommandBuffer commandBuffer)

Start the timer after the current last command buffer.

  • commandBuffer: command buffer to write timestamp

void Start()

Start the timer after the current last command buffer.

void Stop()

Stop the timer after the current last command buffer.

void Wait()

Wait for Start and Stop to finish before retrieving the results.

uint64_t GetElapsedNs()

Get the elapsed time between the Start and Stop calls. Blocking function which will download the timestamps from the GPU.

timestamp in nanoseconds.

struct Transformable
#include <Transformable.h>

Class to represent the transformation of an object: position, scale, rotation and anchor.

Subclassed by Vortex2D::Fluid::Circle, Vortex2D::Fluid::Polygon, Vortex2D::Fluid::RigidBody, Vortex2D::Renderer::AbstractSprite, Vortex2D::Renderer::Shape

Public Functions

const glm::mat4 &GetTransform() const

Returns the transform matrix.

void Update()

Update the transormation matrix.

Public Members

glm::vec2 Position

absolute position

glm::vec2 Scale

scale for the x and y components

float Rotation

Rotation in radians.

glm::vec2 Anchor

An offset to the position (used for centering a shape)

template<typename T>
class UniformBuffer : public Vortex2D::Renderer::GenericBuffer
#include <Buffer.h>

a uniform buffer type of buffer

template<typename T>
class VertexBuffer : public Vortex2D::Renderer::GenericBuffer
#include <Buffer.h>

a vertex buffer type of buffer

class Work
#include <Work.h>

Represents a compute shader. It simplifies the process of binding, setting push constants and recording.

Public Functions

Work(const Device &device, const ComputeSize &computeSize, const SpirvBinary &spirv, const SpecConstInfo &additionalSpecConstInfo = {})

Constructs an object using a SPIRV binary. It is not bound to any buffers or textures.

  • device: vulkan device
  • computeSize: the compute size. Can be a default one with size (1,1) or one with an actual size.
  • spirv: binary spirv
  • additionalSpecConstInfo: additional specialization constants

Bound Bind(const std::vector<BindingInput> &inputs)

Bind the buffers and/or textures.

a bound object, ready to be recorded in a command buffer.
  • inputs: a list of buffers and/or textures

Bound Bind(ComputeSize computeSize, const std::vector<BindingInput> &inputs)

Bind the buffers and/or textures. This overrides the provided compute size in Work.

a bound object, ready to be recorded in a command buffer.
  • computeSize: the compute shader compute size.
  • inputs: a list of buffers and/or textures

class Bound
#include <Work.h>

Is a bound version of Work. This means a buffer or texture was bound and this can be recorded in a command buffer.

Public Functions

template<typename ...Args>
void PushConstant(vk::CommandBuffer commandBuffer, Args&&... args)

Adds a constant value, i.e. a push constant.

  • commandBuffer: the command buffer where the compute work will also be recorded.
  • args: the data to push. A total of 128 bytes can be used.

void Record(vk::CommandBuffer commandBuffer)

Record the compute work in this command buffer. This will also set two additional push constants: the 2D domain size.

  • commandBuffer: the command buffer to record into.

void RecordIndirect(vk::CommandBuffer commandBuffer, IndirectBuffer<DispatchParams> &dispatchParams)

Record the compute work in this command buffer. Use the provided parameters to run the compute shader.

  • commandBuffer: the command buffer to record into.
  • dispatchParams: the indirect buffer containing the parameters.

namespace Detail


void InsertSpecConst(SpecConstInfo &specConstInfo)
template<typename Arg, typename ...Args>
void InsertSpecConst(SpecConstInfo &specConstInfo, Arg &&arg, Args&&... args)