Renderer API reference

API Reference

namespace Renderer


using DrawablePtr = std::shared_ptr<Drawable>
typedef std::vector<glm::vec2> Path


enum MemoryUsage


enum Format


enum ShaderStage


enum PrimitiveTopology


enum BufferUsage


enum Access


enum ImageLayout


enum PipelineBindPoint


enum BlendFactor


enum BlendOp


enum BindType




template<template<typename> class BufferType, typename T>
void CopyTo(BufferType<T> &buffer, T &t)

Copy the content of a buffer in an object.

template<template<typename> class BufferType, typename T>
void CopyTo(BufferType<T> &buffer, std::vector<T> &t)

Copy the content of a buffer to a vector. Vector needs to have the correct size already.

template<template<typename> class BufferType, typename T>
void CopyFrom(BufferType<T> &buffer, const T &t)

Copy the content of an object to the buffer.

template<template<typename> class BufferType, typename T>
void CopyFrom(BufferType<T> &buffer, const std::vector<T> &t)

Copy the content of a vector to the buffer.

bool operator==(const GraphicsPipelineDescriptor::ShaderDescriptor &left, const GraphicsPipelineDescriptor::ShaderDescriptor &right)
bool operator==(const GraphicsPipelineDescriptor::VertexBindingDescriptor &left, const GraphicsPipelineDescriptor::VertexBindingDescriptor &right)
bool operator==(const GraphicsPipelineDescriptor::VertexAttributeDescriptor &left, const GraphicsPipelineDescriptor::VertexAttributeDescriptor &right)
bool operator==(const GraphicsPipelineDescriptor &left, const GraphicsPipelineDescriptor &right)
bool operator==(const SpecConstInfo::Entry &left, const SpecConstInfo::Entry &right)
bool operator==(const SpecConstInfo &left, const SpecConstInfo &right)
template<typename Type>
SpecConstInfo::Value<Type> SpecConstValue(uint32_t id, Type value)

Constructs a specialization constant value.

template<typename ...Args>
SpecConstInfo SpecConst(Args&&... args)

Constructs a SpecConstInfo with given values of specialisation constants.

bool operator==(const RenderState &left, const RenderState right)
VORTEX_API std::uint64_t Vortex::Renderer::GetBytesPerPixel(Format format)

Gets the number of bytes per pixel given the format.

bytes per pixel
  • format: of texture

bool HasLayer(const char *extension, const std::vector<vk::LayerProperties> &availableExtensions)
bool HasExtension(const char *extension, const std::vector<vk::ExtensionProperties> &availableExtensions)
VmaMemoryUsage ConvertMemoryUsage(MemoryUsage memoryUsage)
vk::Format ConvertFormat(Format format)
vk::ShaderStageFlagBits ConvertShaderStage(ShaderStage shaderStage)
vk::PrimitiveTopology ConvertTopology(PrimitiveTopology topology)
vk::BufferUsageFlags ConvertBufferUsage(BufferUsage bufferUsage)
vk::ImageLayout ConvertImageLayout(ImageLayout layout)
vk::AccessFlags ConvertAccess(Access access)
vk::PipelineBindPoint ConvertPipelineBindPoint(PipelineBindPoint bindPoint)
vk::BlendFactor ConvertBlendFactor(BlendFactor factor)
vk::BlendOp ConvertBlendOp(BlendOp blendOp)
vk::DescriptorType ConvertDescriptorType(BindType type)
VORTEX_API ComputeSize Vortex::Renderer::MakeStencilComputeSize(const glm::ivec2 & size, int radius)

Create a ComputeSize for a stencil type shader.

calculate ComputeSize
  • size: the domain size
  • radius: the stencil size

VORTEX_API ComputeSize Vortex::Renderer::MakeCheckerboardComputeSize(const glm::ivec2 & size)

Create a ComputeSize for a checkerboard type shader.

calculate ComputeSize
  • size: the domain size

class AbstractShape : public Vortex::Renderer::Shape
#include <Shapes.h>

An polygonal shape where the fragment shader can be specified for customisation.

Subclassed by Vortex::Renderer::IntRectangle, Vortex::Renderer::Rectangle

Public Functions

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::AbstractShape::Initialize(const RenderState & renderState)

Initialize the drawable for a particular state. This might include creating the correct pipeline. If it was already initialized, it will do nothing.

  • renderState: the state to initialize with.

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::AbstractShape::Update(const glm::mat4 & projection, const glm::mat4 & view)

Update the MVP matrix of the drawable.

  • projection: the projection matrix
  • view: the view matrix

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::AbstractShape::Draw(CommandEncoder & commandEncoder, const RenderState & renderState)

Draw for the given render state. This has to be initialized before.

  • commandBuffer: the command buffer to record into.
  • renderState: the render state to use.

class AbstractSprite : public Vortex::Renderer::Drawable, public Vortex::Renderer::Transformable
#include <Sprite.h>

a Sprite, i.e. a drawable that can render a texture. The fragment shader can be specified for customisation.

Subclassed by Vortex::Fluid::DistanceField, Vortex::Renderer::Sprite

Public Functions

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::AbstractSprite::Initialize(const RenderState & renderState)

Initialize the drawable for a particular state. This might include creating the correct pipeline. If it was already initialized, it will do nothing.

  • renderState: the state to initialize with.

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::AbstractSprite::Update(const glm::mat4 & projection, const glm::mat4 & view)

Update the MVP matrix of the drawable.

  • projection: the projection matrix
  • view: the view matrix

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::AbstractSprite::Draw(CommandEncoder & commandEncoder, const RenderState & renderState)

Draw for the given render state. This has to be initialized before.

  • commandBuffer: the command buffer to record into.
  • renderState: the render state to use.

struct BindingInput
#include <BindGroup.h>

The texture/sampler or buffer that can be binded to a shader.

template<typename T>
class Buffer : public Vortex::Renderer::GenericBuffer
#include <Buffer.h>

a storage buffer type of buffer

class Clear : public Vortex::Renderer::Drawable
#include <Shapes.h>

A drawable that simply clears the target.

Public Functions

void Initialize(const RenderState &renderState)

Initialize the drawable for a particular state. This might include creating the correct pipeline. If it was already initialized, it will do nothing.

  • renderState: the state to initialize with.

void Update(const glm::mat4 &projection, const glm::mat4 &view)

Update the MVP matrix of the drawable.

  • projection: the projection matrix
  • view: the view matrix

void Draw(CommandEncoder &commandEncoder, const RenderState &renderState)

Draw for the given render state. This has to be initialized before.

  • commandBuffer: the command buffer to record into.
  • renderState: the render state to use.

struct ColorBlendState
#include <RenderState.h>

The blend state and blend constant.

class CommandBuffer
#include <CommandBuffer.h>

Can record commands, then submit them (multiple times). A fence can used to wait on the completion of the commands.

Public Functions

VORTEX_API CommandBuffer(Device &device, bool synchronise = true)

Creates a command buffer which can be synchronized.

  • device: vulkan device
  • synchronise: flag to determine if the command buffer can be waited on.

VORTEX_API CommandBuffer& Vortex::Renderer::CommandBuffer::Record(CommandFn commandFn)

Record some commands. The commads are recorded in the lambda which is immediately executed.

  • commandFn: a functor, or simply a lambda, where commands are recorded.

VORTEX_API CommandBuffer& Vortex::Renderer::CommandBuffer::Record(const RenderTarget & renderTarget, Handle::Framebuffer framebuffer, CommandFn commandFn)

Record some commands inside a render pass. The commads are recorded in the lambda which is immediately executed.

  • renderTarget: the render target which contains the render pass to record into
  • framebuffer: the frame buffer where the render pass will render.
  • commandFn: a functor, or simply a lambda, where commands are recorded.

VORTEX_API CommandBuffer& Vortex::Renderer::CommandBuffer::Wait()

Wait for the command submit to finish. Does nothing if the synchronise flag was false.

VORTEX_API CommandBuffer& Vortex::Renderer::CommandBuffer::Reset()

Reset the command buffer so it can be recorded again.

VORTEX_API CommandBuffer& Vortex::Renderer::CommandBuffer::Submit(const std::initializer_list< Handle::Semaphore > & waitSemaphores = {}, const std::initializer_list< Handle::Semaphore > & signalSemaphores = {})

submit the command buffer

VORTEX_API operator bool() const

explicit conversion operator to bool, indicates if the command was properly recorded and can be sumitted.

struct ComputeSize
#include <Work.h>

Used for a compute shader, and defines the group size, local size and domain size.

Public Functions

VORTEX_API ComputeSize(const glm::ivec2 &size, const glm::ivec2 &localSize = GetLocalSize2D())

Creates a ComputeSize using a 2D domain size and the default 2D local size.

  • size: the domain size
  • localSize: the local size of the shader

VORTEX_API ComputeSize(int size, int localSize = GetLocalSize1D())

Creates a ComputeSize using a 1D domain size and the default 1D local size.

  • size: the domain size
  • localSize: the local size of the shader

Public Static Functions

static VORTEX_API glm::ivec2 Vortex::Renderer::ComputeSize::GetLocalSize2D()

The default local size for 2D compute shaders.

a 2d vector

static VORTEX_API int Vortex::Renderer::ComputeSize::GetLocalSize1D()

The default local size for 1D compute shaders.

a integer value

static VORTEX_API glm::ivec2 Vortex::Renderer::ComputeSize::GetWorkSize(const glm::ivec2 & size, const glm::ivec2 & localSize = GetLocalSize2D ())

Computes the 2D group size given a domain size.

the group size
  • size: the domain size of the shader
  • localSize: the local size of the shader

static VORTEX_API glm::ivec2 Vortex::Renderer::ComputeSize::GetWorkSize(int size, int localSize = GetLocalSize1D ())

Computes the 1D group size given a domain size.

the group size
  • size: the domain size of the shader
  • localSize: the local size of the shader

static VORTEX_API ComputeSize Vortex::Renderer::ComputeSize::Default2D()

A default ComputeSize using the default 2D local size. The domain size is (1,1)

a default compute size

static VORTEX_API ComputeSize Vortex::Renderer::ComputeSize::Default1D()

A default ComputeSize using the default 1D local size. The domain size is (1,1)

a default compute size

class Device
#include <Device.h>

Encapsulation around the vulkan device. Allows to create command buffers, layout, bindings, memory and shaders.

Subclassed by Vortex::Renderer::VulkanDevice

Public Functions

virtual VORTEX_API Handle::BindGroupLayout Vortex::Renderer::Device::CreateBindGroupLayout(const SPIRV::ShaderLayouts & layout)= 0

Create, cache and return a descriptor layout given the pipeline layout.

cached descriptor set layout
  • layout: pipeline layout

virtual VORTEX_API Handle::PipelineLayout Vortex::Renderer::Device::CreatePipelineLayout(const SPIRV::ShaderLayouts & layout)= 0

create, cache and return a vulkan pipeline layout given the layout

vulkan pipeline layout
  • layout: pipeline layout

virtual VORTEX_API Handle::Pipeline Vortex::Renderer::Device::CreateGraphicsPipeline(const GraphicsPipelineDescriptor & builder, const RenderState & renderState)= 0

Create a graphics pipeline.

  • builder:
  • renderState:

virtual VORTEX_API Handle::Pipeline Vortex::Renderer::Device::CreateComputePipeline(Handle::ShaderModule shader, Handle::PipelineLayout layout, SpecConstInfo specConstInfo = {})= 0

Create a compute pipeline.

  • shader:
  • layout:
  • specConstInfo:

struct DispatchParams
#include <Work.h>

Parameters for indirect compute: group size, local size, etc.

struct Drawable
#include <Drawable.h>

Interface of a drawable object.

Subclassed by Vortex::Fluid::Circle, Vortex::Fluid::Polygon, Vortex::Renderer::AbstractSprite, Vortex::Renderer::Clear, Vortex::Renderer::Shape

Public Functions

virtual void Initialize(const RenderState &renderState) = 0

Initialize the drawable for a particular state. This might include creating the correct pipeline. If it was already initialized, it will do nothing.

  • renderState: the state to initialize with.

virtual void Update(const glm::mat4 &projection, const glm::mat4 &view) = 0

Update the MVP matrix of the drawable.

  • projection: the projection matrix
  • view: the view matrix

virtual void Draw(CommandEncoder &commandEncoder, const RenderState &renderState) = 0

Draw for the given render state. This has to be initialized before.

  • commandBuffer: the command buffer to record into.
  • renderState: the render state to use.

struct DynamicDispatcher : public DispatchLoaderBase
#include <Device.h>

A vulkan dynamic dispatcher that checks if the function is not null.

class Ellipse : public Vortex::Renderer::Shape
#include <Shapes.h>

A solid colour ellipse. Implements the Drawable interface and Transformable interface.

Public Functions

void Initialize(const RenderState &renderState)

Initialize the drawable for a particular state. This might include creating the correct pipeline. If it was already initialized, it will do nothing.

  • renderState: the state to initialize with.

void Update(const glm::mat4 &projection, const glm::mat4 &view)

Update the MVP matrix of the drawable.

  • projection: the projection matrix
  • view: the view matrix

void Draw(CommandEncoder &commandEncoder, const RenderState &renderState)

Draw for the given render state. This has to be initialized before.

  • commandBuffer: the command buffer to record into.
  • renderState: the render state to use.

class GenericBuffer
#include <Buffer.h>

A vulkan buffer which can be on the host or the device.

Subclassed by Vortex::Renderer::Buffer< float >, Vortex::Renderer::Buffer< glm::ivec2 >, Vortex::Renderer::Buffer< glm::vec2 >, Vortex::Renderer::Buffer< int >, Vortex::Renderer::Buffer< std::uint32_t >, Vortex::Renderer::Buffer< Vortex::Fluid::Contour::Voxel >, Vortex::Renderer::Buffer< Vortex::Fluid::Particle >, Vortex::Renderer::Buffer< Vortex::Fluid::RigidBody::Velocity >, Vortex::Renderer::Buffer< Vortex::Renderer::DispatchParams >, Vortex::Renderer::Buffer< Vortex::Renderer::DrawIndexedIndirect >, Vortex::Renderer::IndexBuffer< std::uint32_t >, Vortex::Renderer::IndirectBuffer< Vortex::Renderer::DispatchParams >, Vortex::Renderer::UniformBuffer< glm::mat4 >, Vortex::Renderer::UniformBuffer< glm::vec2 >, Vortex::Renderer::UniformBuffer< glm::vec4 >, Vortex::Renderer::UniformBuffer< Size >, Vortex::Renderer::UniformBuffer< Vortex::Fluid::RigidBody::Velocity >, Vortex::Renderer::VertexBuffer< glm::vec2 >, Vortex::Renderer::VertexBuffer< Vortex::Renderer::AbstractSprite::Vertex >, Vortex::Renderer::Buffer< T >, Vortex::Renderer::IndexBuffer< T >, Vortex::Renderer::IndirectBuffer< T >, Vortex::Renderer::UniformBuffer< T >, Vortex::Renderer::VertexBuffer< T >

Public Functions

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::GenericBuffer::CopyFrom(CommandEncoder & command, GenericBuffer & srcBuffer)

Copy a buffer to this buffer.

  • commandBuffer: command buffer to run the copy on.
  • srcBuffer: the source buffer.

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::GenericBuffer::CopyFrom(CommandEncoder & command, Texture & srcTexture)

Copy a texture to this buffer.

  • commandBuffer: command buffer to run the copy on.
  • srcTexture: the source texture

VORTEX_API Handle::Buffer Vortex::Renderer::GenericBuffer::Handle() const

The vulkan handle.

VORTEX_API std::uint64_t Vortex::Renderer::GenericBuffer::Size() const

The size in bytes of the buffer.

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::GenericBuffer::Resize(std::uint64_t size)

Resize the buffer. Invalidates the buffer handle.

  • size: buffer size

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::GenericBuffer::Barrier(CommandEncoder & command, Access oldAccess, Access newAccess)

Inserts a barrier for this buffer.

  • commandBuffer: the command buffer to run the barrier
  • oldAccess: old access
  • newAccess: new access

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::GenericBuffer::Clear(CommandEncoder & command)

Clear the buffer with 0.

  • commandBuffer: the command buffer to clear on

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::GenericBuffer::CopyFrom(uint32_t offset, const void * data, uint32_t size)

copy from data to buffer

  • offset: in the buffer
  • data: pointer
  • size: of data

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::GenericBuffer::CopyTo(uint32_t offset, void * data, uint32_t size)

copy buffer to data

  • offset: in the buffer
  • data: pointer
  • size: of data

class GraphicsPipelineDescriptor
#include <Pipeline.h>

graphics pipeline which caches the pipeline per render states.

Public Functions

VORTEX_API GraphicsPipelineDescriptor& Vortex::Renderer::GraphicsPipelineDescriptor::Shader(Handle::ShaderModule shader, ShaderStage shaderStage)

Set the shader.

  • shader: the loaded shader
  • shaderStage: shader state (vertex, fragment or compute)

VORTEX_API GraphicsPipelineDescriptor& Vortex::Renderer::GraphicsPipelineDescriptor::VertexAttribute(uint32_t location, uint32_t binding, Format format, uint32_t offset)

Sets the vertex attributes.

  • location: location in the shader
  • binding: binding in the shader
  • format: vertex format
  • offset: offset in the vertex

VORTEX_API GraphicsPipelineDescriptor& Vortex::Renderer::GraphicsPipelineDescriptor::VertexBinding(uint32_t binding, uint32_t stride)

Sets the vertex binding.

  • binding: binding in the shader
  • stride: stride in bytes

struct Image
#include <BindGroup.h>

The texture or sampler that can be bound to a shader.

template<typename T>
class IndexBuffer : public Vortex::Renderer::GenericBuffer
#include <Buffer.h>

a index buffer type of buffer

template<typename T>
class IndirectBuffer : public Vortex::Renderer::GenericBuffer
#include <Buffer.h>

an indirect buffer type of buffer, used for compute indirect dispatch

class Instance
#include <Instance.h>

Vulkan instance, which extensions enabled.

class IntRectangle : public Vortex::Renderer::AbstractShape
#include <Shapes.h>

A solid colour rectangle as Rectangle, however uses integer colors and is meant to be drawn to a framebuffer wiht integer colours.

class Mesh : public Vortex::Renderer::Shape
#include <Shapes.h>

A solid colour mesh countour. Implements the Drawable interface and Transformable interface.

Public Functions

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::Mesh::Initialize(const RenderState & renderState)

Initialize the drawable for a particular state. This might include creating the correct pipeline. If it was already initialized, it will do nothing.

  • renderState: the state to initialize with.

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::Mesh::Update(const glm::mat4 & projection, const glm::mat4 & view)

Update the MVP matrix of the drawable.

  • projection: the projection matrix
  • view: the view matrix

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::Mesh::Draw(CommandEncoder & commandEncoder, const RenderState & renderState)

Draw for the given render state. This has to be initialized before.

  • commandBuffer: the command buffer to record into.
  • renderState: the render state to use.

class Rectangle : public Vortex::Renderer::AbstractShape
#include <Shapes.h>

A solid colour rectangle defined by two triangles. Implements the Drawable interface and Transformable interface.

class RenderCommand
#include <CommandBuffer.h>

A special command buffer that has been recorded by a RenderTarget. It can be used to submit the rendering. The object has to stay alive untill rendering is complete.

Public Functions

VORTEX_API RenderCommand& Vortex::Renderer::RenderCommand::Submit(const glm::mat4 & view = glm::mat4(1.0f))

Submit the render command with a transform matrix.

  • view: a transform matrix

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::RenderCommand::Wait()

Wait for the render command to complete.

VORTEX_API operator bool() const

explicit conversion operator to bool, indicates if the command was properly recorded and can be sumitted.

class RenderpassBuilder
#include <RenderPass.h>

Factory for a vulkan render pass.

Public Functions

RenderpassBuilder &Attachement(Format format)

Format of the render pass.

  • format:

RenderpassBuilder &AttachementLoadOp(vk::AttachmentLoadOp value)

operation to perform when loading the framebuffer (clear, load, etc)

  • value:

RenderpassBuilder &AttachementStoreOp(vk::AttachmentStoreOp value)

operation to perform when storing the framebuffer (clear, save, etc)

  • value:

RenderpassBuilder &AttachementInitialLayout(vk::ImageLayout layout)

Layout of the image to be before render pass.

  • layout:

RenderpassBuilder &AttachementFinalLayout(vk::ImageLayout layout)

Layout of the image to be after render pass.

  • layout:

RenderpassBuilder &Subpass(vk::PipelineBindPoint bindPoint)

Define subpass of the render pass.

  • bindPoint:

RenderpassBuilder &SubpassColorAttachment(vk::ImageLayout layout, uint32_t attachment)

Set the color attachment with index.

  • layout:
  • attachment: index of the attachment

RenderpassBuilder &Dependency(uint32_t srcSubpass, uint32_t dstSubpass)

Dependency of the subpasses.

  • srcSubpass:
  • dstSubpass:

vk::RenderPass Create(vk::Device device)

Create the render pass.

  • device:

struct RenderState
#include <RenderState.h>

the various state to render to a target: size, render pass and blend.

Public Functions

RenderState(const RenderTarget &renderTarget)

Initialize for a render target with default blend.

  • renderTarget:

RenderState(const RenderTarget &renderTarget, ColorBlendState blendState)

Initialize for a render target with a given blend.

  • renderTarget:
  • blendState:

struct RenderTarget
#include <RenderTarget.h>

A target that can be rendered to. This is implemented by the RenderWindow and the RenderTexture.

Subclassed by Vortex::Renderer::RenderTexture, Vortex::Renderer::RenderWindow

class RenderTexture : public Vortex::Renderer::RenderTarget, public Vortex::Renderer::Texture
#include <RenderTexture.h>

A render target that renders into a texture.

Subclassed by Vortex::Fluid::Density, Vortex::Fluid::LevelSet, Vortex::Fluid::ParticleCount, Vortex::Fluid::Velocity

class RenderWindow : public Vortex::Renderer::RenderTarget
#include <RenderWindow.h>

Render to a swapchain, i.e. to the window/surface.

Public Functions

VORTEX_API RenderWindow(Device &device, Handle::Surface surface, uint32_t width, uint32_t height)

Initialize with a given surface and size.

  • device: vulkan device
  • surface: vulkan surface
  • width:
  • height:

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::RenderWindow::Display()

Submits all the render command and present the surface for display.

class Shape : public Vortex::Renderer::Drawable, public Vortex::Renderer::Transformable
#include <Shapes.h>

Shape interface which is drawable, transformable and has a color.

Subclassed by Vortex::Renderer::AbstractShape, Vortex::Renderer::Ellipse, Vortex::Renderer::Mesh

struct SpecConstInfo
#include <Pipeline.h>

Defines and holds value of the specification constants for shaders.

class SpirvBinary
#include <Common.h>

A binary SPIRV shader, to be feed to vulkan.

class Sprite : public Vortex::Renderer::AbstractSprite
#include <Sprite.h>

A sprite that renders a texture with a simple pass-through fragment shader.

Subclassed by Vortex::Fluid::Density

class Texture
#include <Texture.h>

A texture, or in vulkan terms, an image.

Subclassed by Vortex::Renderer::RenderTexture

Public Functions

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::Texture::CopyFrom(const void * data)

Copies width*heigh*bytesPerPixel amount of data.

  • data: source data

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::Texture::CopyTo(void * data)

Copies width*heigh*bytesPerPixel amount of data.

  • data: destination data

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::Texture::CopyFrom(CommandEncoder & command, Texture & srcImage)

Copies source texture in this texture.

  • commandBuffer: vulkan command buffer
  • srcImage: source image

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::Texture::Barrier(CommandEncoder & command, ImageLayout oldLayout, Access oldAccess, ImageLayout newLayout, Access newAccess)

Inserts a barrier for the given texture, command buffer and access.

  • image: the vulkan image handle
  • commandBuffer: the vulkan command buffer
  • oldLayout: old layout
  • srcMask: old access
  • newLayout: new layout
  • dstMask: new access

class Timer
#include <Timer.h>

Calculates the ellapsed time on the GPU.

Public Functions

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::Timer::Start(CommandEncoder & command)

Start the timer after the current last command buffer.

  • commandBuffer: command buffer to write timestamp

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::Timer::Stop(CommandEncoder & command)

Start the timer after the current last command buffer.

  • commandBuffer: command buffer to write timestamp

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::Timer::Start()

Start the timer after the current last command buffer.

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::Timer::Stop()

Stop the timer after the current last command buffer.

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::Timer::Wait()

Wait for Start and Stop to finish before retrieving the results.

VORTEX_API uint64_t Vortex::Renderer::Timer::GetElapsedNs()

Get the elapsed time between the Start and Stop calls. Blocking function which will download the timestamps from the GPU.

timestamp in nanoseconds.

struct Transformable
#include <Transformable.h>

Class to represent the transformation of an object: position, scale, rotation and anchor.

Subclassed by Vortex::Fluid::Circle, Vortex::Fluid::Polygon, Vortex::Fluid::RigidBody, Vortex::Renderer::AbstractSprite, Vortex::Renderer::Shape

Public Functions

const glm::mat4 &GetTransform() const

Returns the transform matrix.

void Update()

Update the transormation matrix.

Public Members

glm::vec2 Position

absolute position

glm::vec2 Scale

scale for the x and y components

float Rotation

Rotation in radians.

glm::vec2 Anchor

An offset to the position (used for centering a shape)

template<typename T>
class UniformBuffer : public Vortex::Renderer::GenericBuffer
#include <Buffer.h>

a uniform buffer type of buffer

template<typename T>
class VertexBuffer : public Vortex::Renderer::GenericBuffer
#include <Buffer.h>

a vertex buffer type of buffer

class VulkanDevice : public Vortex::Renderer::Device

Public Functions

Handle::BindGroupLayout CreateBindGroupLayout(const SPIRV::ShaderLayouts &layout)

Create, cache and return a descriptor layout given the pipeline layout.

cached descriptor set layout
  • layout: pipeline layout

Handle::PipelineLayout CreatePipelineLayout(const SPIRV::ShaderLayouts &layout)

create, cache and return a vulkan pipeline layout given the layout

vulkan pipeline layout
  • layout: pipeline layout

Handle::Pipeline CreateGraphicsPipeline(const GraphicsPipelineDescriptor &builder, const RenderState &renderState)

Create a graphics pipeline.

  • builder:
  • renderState:

Handle::Pipeline CreateComputePipeline(Handle::ShaderModule shader, Handle::PipelineLayout layout, SpecConstInfo specConstInfo = {})

Create a compute pipeline.

  • shader:
  • layout:
  • specConstInfo:

class Work
#include <Work.h>

Represents a compute shader. It simplifies the process of binding, setting push constants and recording.

Public Functions

VORTEX_API Work(Device &device, const ComputeSize &computeSize, const SpirvBinary &spirv, const SpecConstInfo &additionalSpecConstInfo = {})

Constructs an object using a SPIRV binary. It is not bound to any buffers or textures.

  • device: vulkan device
  • computeSize: the compute size. Can be a default one with size (1,1) or one with an actual size.
  • spirv: binary spirv
  • additionalSpecConstInfo: additional specialization constants

VORTEX_API Bound Vortex::Renderer::Work::Bind(const std::vector< BindingInput > & inputs)

Bind the buffers and/or textures.

a bound object, ready to be recorded in a command buffer.
  • inputs: a list of buffers and/or textures

VORTEX_API Bound Vortex::Renderer::Work::Bind(ComputeSize computeSize, const std::vector< BindingInput > & inputs)

Bind the buffers and/or textures. This overrides the provided compute size in Work.

a bound object, ready to be recorded in a command buffer.
  • computeSize: the compute shader compute size.
  • inputs: a list of buffers and/or textures

class Bound
#include <Work.h>

Is a bound version of Work. This means a buffer or texture was bound and this can be recorded in a command buffer.

Public Functions

template<typename ...Args>
void PushConstant(CommandEncoder &command, Args&&... args)

Adds a constant value, i.e. a push constant.

  • commandBuffer: the command buffer where the compute work will also be recorded.
  • args: the data to push. A total of 128 bytes can be used.

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::Work::Bound::Record(CommandEncoder & command)

Record the compute work in this command buffer. This will also set two additional push constants: the 2D domain size.

  • commandBuffer: the command buffer to record into.

VORTEX_API void Vortex::Renderer::Work::Bound::RecordIndirect(CommandEncoder & command, IndirectBuffer < DispatchParams > & dispatchParams)

Record the compute work in this command buffer. Use the provided parameters to run the compute shader.

  • commandBuffer: the command buffer to record into.
  • dispatchParams: the indirect buffer containing the parameters.

namespace Detail


void InsertSpecConst(SpecConstInfo&)
template<typename Arg, typename ...Args>
void InsertSpecConst(SpecConstInfo &specConstInfo, Arg &&arg, Args&&... args)
namespace Handle


typedef struct PipelineLayout_T *PipelineLayout
typedef struct BindGroupLayout_T *BindGroupLayout
typedef struct Pipeline_T *Pipeline
typedef struct ShaderModule_T *ShaderModule
typedef struct RenderPass_T *RenderPass
typedef struct Framebuffer_T *Framebuffer
typedef struct CommandBuffer_T *CommandBuffer
typedef struct Semaphore_T *Semaphore
typedef struct BindGroup_T *BindGroup
typedef struct Buffer_T *Buffer
typedef struct Sampler_T *Sampler
typedef struct Image_T *Image
typedef struct ImageView_T *ImageView
typedef struct Surface_T *Surface


Semaphore ConvertSemaphore(vk::Semaphore semaphore)
vk::Semaphore ConvertSemaphore(Semaphore semaphore)
Framebuffer ConvertFramebuffer(vk::Framebuffer framebuffer)
vk::CommandBuffer ConvertCommandBuffer(CommandBuffer commandBuffer)
vk::Image ConvertImage(Image image)
Image ConvertImage(vk::Image image)
vk::ImageView ConvertImageView(ImageView imageView)
ImageView ConvertImageView(vk::ImageView imageView)
vk::Buffer ConvertBuffer(Buffer buffer)
vk::Sampler ConvertSampler(Sampler sampler)
vk::SurfaceKHR ConvertSurface(Surface surface)
Surface ConvertSurface(vk::SurfaceKHR surface)